- is called sumi or 初夏の夜風の涼しさ
- liveth in JP-13
- 1.7m 52kg gay bottom
- programmer
- 2023 應用情報技術者試驗
- speaketh
- JPN natively
- useth historical orthography
- B2 ENG (2021 英検準1級, 2022 TOEIC L&R 900)
- <A1 CMN (2021 HSK4)
- liketh constructed languages like JBO and LFN
- liketh
- to request an illustration of his OC
- to read MM romances, science fictions, and detective fictions
- to watch movies
- to play games
- left and liberal
- agreth with effective altruism, antinatalism, and vegetarianism
- dothn't have many friends and always looketh for a new one
- also looketh for a partner